Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Today, I think complexity is an unavoidable part of age.

Common, and not so common, events in my life have reopened old emotional scars and resurrected fears I thought I had buried deep enough. But, for once in my life, I feel that the phrase "think before you speak" is just the tip of the iceburg. I think some of what I'm feeling should never be spoken at all.

When we are young, we say what comes to our mind. We do not care what others will think because we have no comprehension that what they think will be any different than what we think. As we get older, we watch what we say, ever cool, for fear that what we let slip will be turned as weapons against us in the terrible war that is modern adolescence. We find ourselves, and open again, convinced that those around us will accept us for who we are.

I don't know what happens next, however, because I'm still stunted and learning how to open. However, I realize that words are very delicate and dangerous things, even if they are never released. And I know that the things I don't say, won't say unless I'm cornered, will color all parts of me, becoming one of those historical experiences that makes me more difficult to understand or anticipate (and probably more difficult to deal with-- we'll see).

It's been one of those days. And the thoughts and feelings that have come of it will only pour into all the other histories, layering into who I am and coloring time going forward.