Monday, September 21, 2009

Tomorrow is the autumnal equinox, and Mabon, for the Wiccan. A day of giving thanks and celebrating the bounty of the year. A day for balance and shifting toward winter and 'rest.'

It wouldn't be a proper bounteous thanksgiving without thanks. I have had a blessed year, for all the change and discomfort. I am most thankful for:

* my kids- awesomeness with legs.
* my family and friends- I could not be who I am, and happy who I am, without you. You are the earth that keeps my feet on the ground AND the moon that keeps my eyes lifted upward.
* my job- I get paid to ask questions, learn, and manifest solutions to problems. Nothing better than that.
* the opportunities for growth I've been offered-- and the courage to be crazy enough to take them. For details, see bullets 1-3. :)

Gracias, and blessings for continued fruitfulness and a little rest this winter.