Monday, January 23, 2006

It's amazing how far we go, only to return to where we began.

Let Go

Run away
and take it back
take back the life you once knew
would be your own

Reclaim your passions
your wild abandon, your wonder
shrug off the mantle you've so eagerly sought
leaden and dark
and run naked in the sun
unencombered and laughing

wrap yourself in wine, the warm glow of infatuation
and chase this flight of fancy
sing the songs you've silenced needlessly

allow yourself to soften
let time move past without care
it was never yours to manage anyway

drift along with pleasure
appreciate, reciprocate
you'll only know it when you stop demanding it
and allow yourself to be moved

It's not as dangerous as you've believed
Let go
and discover who you have this chance to be

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